Sunday, 16 September 2012

Macam-macam text dalam bahasa Inggris

Macam-macam text dalam bahasa Inggris
Macam-macam text dalam bahasa Inggris, Raja Jempol coba share tentang bahasa Inggris bagi adik-adik pelajar semoga bermanfa’at :

A. Narrative Text

1. Narrative text

a. Social function

To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways

b. Generic structure :

- Orientation

- Complication

- Resulotion

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Focus on specific and usually individualized participants.

- Use of material processes ( and in text behavior and verbal processes ).

- Use of retational processes and mental processes.

- Use of temporal conjuctions and temporal circumstances

2. Recount text

a. Social function

Is to retell past even or something which happened in the past

b. Generic structur :

- Orientation

- Events

- Re orientation

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Introducing personal participant : I, my group, etc

- Using chronological connection : then, first, etc

- Using simple past tense

3. Spoof text

a. Social function

Is to entertain and share the story

b. Generic structure :

- Orientation

- Event

- Twist

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Focusing on people, animals or certain things

- Using adverb of time and place

4. Anecdot text

a. Social functiom

Its purpose is to entertain the readers

b. Generic structure :

- Abstract

- Orientation

- Crisis

- Incident

c. Lexicogramatical featus :

- Using exclamation word : it’s awful !, it’s wonderful !, etc

- Using imperative : listen to this

B. Descriptive text

1. Descriptive text

a. Social function :

To describe a particular person, place or thing and here is an

b. Generic structure :

- Identification

- Description

c. Lexicogramatical featus

Focus on specific participants, use simple present tense

2. Report text

a. Social function :

To retell events for the purpose informing or entertaining

b. Generic structure :

- Orientation

- Event

- Reorientation

c. Lexicogramatical featus :

- Focus on specific participant

- Use material processes

- Circumstance on time and place use past tense

- Focus on temporal sequence

3. Explanation text

a. Social function

To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena

b. Generic structure :

- General statement

- Sequence explanation

c. Lexicogramatical featus :

- Focus on generic, non humam participant

- Use mainly of material processes and relation processes

4. Procedur text

a. Social function

To describe something which is accomplished throught a sequence of action or steps

b. Generic structure :

- Goal

- Material

- Step

c. Lexicogramatical featus :

- The use of imperatives and actions verb

- The use of connectives

- The use of adverbial phras

C. Persuasive

1. Analitycal exposition

a. Social function :

To persuade the reader or listenes that something is the case or important

b. Generic structure :

- Thesis

- Arguments

- Reiteration

c. Lexicogramatical featus

Using mental processes to state what the writer or speaker thinks or fels about something

2. Hortatory exposition

a. Social function

To persuade thereader or listener that something should or should not be the case.

b. Generic structure

- Thesis

- Argument

- Recommendation

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Focusing on the writer

- Using abstract noun : policy, advantage, etc

- Using action verb

- Using thingking verb

3. Discussion

a. Social function

Is to present at least two points of views about an issue or controversial topic

b. Generic structure

- Issue

- Arguments for (pro)

- Arguments against (cons)

c. Lexicogramatical featus

Using thingking verb e.g : feel, hope, believe, etc

D. Argumentatif

1. Review

a. Social function

To critize on art work or event for a public audiaence

b. Generic structure

- Orientation

- Evaluation

- Interpreative recount

- Evaluative summation

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Focus on specific participants

- Using long and complex clauses

- Using metaphor style

2. News item

a. Social function

To inform readers or listeners about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important

b. Generic structure

- Newsworthy events

- Background events

- Sources

c. Lexicogramatical featus

- Using action verb

- Using saying verb

- Using adverbs : place, time, manner

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